Thursday, January 31, 2008
Interim Dean of the SXU School of Nursing Kay Thurn to discuss National Woman's Heart Day on WMBI 90.1 FM at 2:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 1
Tune at 2:30 p.m. Friday on WMBI 90.1 FM to hear an interview with Interim Dean of the School of Nursing Kay Thurn. She will discuss the Saint Xavier University School of Nursing role in providing free heart disease risk screenings with follow-up consultation offered during the 2008 National Woman’s Heart Day Health Fair from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008, in the lobby of the Merchandise Mart in Chicago.
Sister To Sister: Everyone Has A Heart Foundation, Inc. sponsors the one-day national event. Saint Xavier University’s School of Nursing will provide a volunteer staff of 25 faculty and 50 undergraduate and graduate students to register participants, provide screenings and conduct counseling.
Screening tests and lab work will measure body mass index, blood pressure, blood glucose and total cholesterol, as well as HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Attendees will receive instant results and a personal health consultation conducted by advanced-practice nurses. At last year’s event, SXU School of Nursing faculty and students conducted heart disease risk screenings for 600 women.
Sister To Sister: Everyone Has A Heart Foundation, Inc. sponsors the one-day national event. Saint Xavier University’s School of Nursing will provide a volunteer staff of 25 faculty and 50 undergraduate and graduate students to register participants, provide screenings and conduct counseling.
Screening tests and lab work will measure body mass index, blood pressure, blood glucose and total cholesterol, as well as HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Attendees will receive instant results and a personal health consultation conducted by advanced-practice nurses. At last year’s event, SXU School of Nursing faculty and students conducted heart disease risk screenings for 600 women.
Shane longest appears in Sports Illustrated

The show will re-air again at 12 a.m. and will broadcast every half hour through 12 p.m. (noon) starting at 5 a.m. Friday morning. Gail Fischer reported the story for Comcast SportsNet and took plenty of clips of Shane kicking in the Shannon Center in addition to an interview with Shane and SXU head football coach Mike Feminis. If possible, please tune in tonight to watch the piece!
Also, this Sunday night at around 10 p.m., FOX Sports Chicago will air another piece on Shane with reporter Jill Carlson on the show "The Final Word." Please tune in to that piece which should air shortly after the Super Bowl on FOX.
You can also find a brief profile of Longest on Sports Illustrated's Web site.
Donation Helps Provide Health Care in Underserved Communities by Stressing a Variety of Critical Educational Opportunities
CHICAGO, Jan. 31, 2008 — The AT&T Foundation — the corporate philanthropy organization of AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) — has announced a $25,000 contribution to Saint Xavier University.
The school’s health center will focus on expanding existing educational partnerships and developing new relationships with local schools and community organizations, as well as providing increased health promotion and wellness activities. The money will help the university provide more health care to underserved members of the community surrounding the school’s Chicago campus by emphasizing important ways to lead healthier lives.
"We appreciate AT&T’s strong support and generous contribution,” said SXU President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D. “Our health center will be able to give even more families and children much-needed educational programs and care."
Saint Xavier University’s health center will expand its educational programs and counseling on a broad variety of topics, including diabetes, healthy aging, nutrition, infant CPR, child development and childhood obesity. In addition, it will increase its presence at community health fairs, increase activities such as blood pressure and lipid screenings and expand the availability of immunizations and flu shots at community locations.
The AT&T Foundation invests in educational programs that use innovative and/or collaborative approaches to address key community health and human services issues.
"I want to thank AT&T for recognizing what a vital role the Saint Xavier Health Center plays in helping those who need a helping hand live healthier and longer lives. AT&T continues to provide the support that our communities need the most," state Senator Edward Maloney said.
“We must continue to invest in these types of community-based health care programs, which help families and children get basic services — such as immunizations or counseling — that make an enormous difference in their lives,” said state Rep. James Brosnahan. “Saint Xavier University has been on the frontlines delivering this vital care for a number of years, and AT&T’s important commitment is going to help the health center do even more great work.”
"I can think of nothing more important than helping families and children who don’t have access to quality health care," said Alderman Virginia Rugai. “Saint Xavier University’s health center has already done much, but it understands the job is far from over. That work is going to be a lot easier thanks to AT&T's important investment in our community.”
“Saint Xavier University believes its mission is far greater than just providing its students with a first-class education in the classroom,” said Paul La Schiazza, president, AT&T Illinois. “It is also about learning to be a caring and compassionate community partner. That is service the health center provides every day, and that care, thanks to the support of people like Representative Brosnahan and Alderman Rugai, will touch more and more people moving forward.”
Since 1996, AT&T and the AT&T Foundation have contributed more than $439 million to nonprofit organizations across the country. With its strong giving record, the AT&T Foundation is among the five largest corporate foundations in the United States and was ranked by Forbes magazine among the most generous corporate foundations in 2006.
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AT&T Supports AHEAD Foundation; Builds Stronger Communities Through $9 Million in National Grant Program
AT&T Supports Nonprofit Organization in Moline; Builds Stronger Communities Through $9 Million in National Grant Program
AT&T 2006 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
AT&T 2008 Corporate Citizenship Brochure
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About Saint Xavier University
Founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1846, Saint Xavier University was the first Mercy college in the United States and is Chicago’s oldest Catholic university. Serving more than 5,600 students at its campuses in Chicago, Orland Park and its Loop location, the University offers 35 undergraduate majors; more than 40 graduate program options in arts and sciences, business, education and nursing; and a variety of program options in continuing and professional studies. Recognizing Saint Xavier’s excellence in education, U.S. News & World Report has ranked SXU consistently among the Best Colleges in the Midwest.
The Saint Xavier University Health Center is a primary health care facility serving people of the greater community of Saint Xavier University, including students, faculty, and staff of the University and residents of the surrounding communities. The provided services include, but are not limited to: immunizations, chronic illness management, laboratory services, school physicals and minor illness and injury treatments. The Health Center is a proud member of America College Health Association, National Nursing Centers Consortium and National Network for Nurse Managed Health Centers.
About Philanthropy at AT&T
AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) is committed to advancing education, strengthening communities and improving lives. Through its philanthropic initiatives and partnerships, AT&T supports projects that create learning opportunities; promote academic and economic achievement and address community needs. In 2006, AT&T contributed more than $101 million through corporate-, employee- and AT&T Foundation-giving programs. AT&T and the AT&T Foundation, the corporate philanthropy organization of AT&T Inc., combine more than $1.8 billion of historic charitable commitment to communities across the country.
About AT&T AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) is a premier communications holding company. Its subsidiaries and affiliates, AT&T operating companies, are the providers of AT&T services in the United States and around the world. Among their offerings are the world's most advanced IP-based business communications services and the nation's leading wireless, high speed Internet access and voice services. In domestic markets, AT&T is known for the directory publishing and advertising sales leadership of its Yellow Pages and YELLOWPAGES.COM organizations, and the AT&T brand is licensed to innovators in such fields as communications equipment. As part of its three-screen integration strategy, AT&T is expanding its TV entertainment offerings. Additional information about AT&T Inc. and the products and services provided by AT&T subsidiaries and affiliates is available at
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Leslie Petty to speak on Irish radio broadcasts

On Saturday, Feb. 2, Dr. Petty will join radio host Jack Hagerty on the Hagerty Irish Hour on station WPNA-AM (1490) from 9 to 10 a.m.On Sunday, February 10, she will join radio host Harry Riordan on the Gaelic Park Radio Station WCEV-AM (1450) from 7:30 to 8 p.m.
Please tune in to hear all about these exciting programs being offered by Saint Xavier University.
SXU Prof. William Kresse to appear on Chicago’s You and the Law; To air on Chicago area cable channel 19, date and time to be announced soon
Chicago (Jan. 30. 2008) – Saint Xavier Professor William Kresse will appear on an episode of You and the Law, produced by CBA Television Productions, Inc. a not-for-profit affiliate of the Chicago Bar Association.
Kresse took part Monday in the taping of the episode titled “Credit Card Hacking” alongside fellow guest Assistant Attorney General Christine Nielsen and show host Ruth Kaufman.
He discussed the various ways a consumer’s credit information can be stolen, what a consumer can do if this happens, and what measures a consumer can take to prevent this from occurring.
The discussion also included the specific case of credit card information theft from millions of TJ Maxx and Marshall’s customers.
The date and time the episode will air will be announced soon.
You and the Law is a topical, panel-format talk show, emphasizing the public service aspects of the law. The show explains issues, discusses the impact of public policy changes and court decisions, and stresses the role of lawyers and judges in making and influencing those decisions. The show is cablecast to more than 500,000 households throughout the Chicago area on cable channel 19, in three 12-week seasons per year.
Kresse is the director and architect of the financial fraud examination and management graduate program at Saint Xavier University’s Graham School of Management in Chicago, currently the only classroom-based MBA program in financial fraud and identity theft in the country.
The program combines elements of law enforcement, law, accounting and general business education. In January, Saint Xavier began offering graduate classes in Financial Fraud Examination and Management in the Chicago Bar Association building in Chicago’s Loop. The U.S. Air Force and Chicago Police Department have both chosen the program to better train agents and officers in identity theft and financial and procurement fraud.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saint Xavier offers non-credit Irish Studies at Orland Park Campus
Students will receive $30 discount if they register for more than one class
Chicago (Jan. 22, 2008) Registration has started for Saint Xavier University’s highly successful non-credit Irish Studies certificate program this spring at the Orland Park campus.
Students explore Ireland’s heritage through an interdisciplinary program of history, the Gaelic language, literature, art, film and music.
Saint Xavier, which traces its roots to the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland, offers the program at its Orland Park Campus through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Registration for a single class is $165, and students will receive a $30 discount if registering for more than one class per semester.
Classes begin in March and will include “Gaelic Language II,” “Irish Women Writers: Contemporary Short Stories by Women from Ireland,” “Modern Irish History 1950-Present” and “Researching Your Irish Roots: It Can Be Done!”
For more information or to register for the Saint Xavier’s Irish Studies program, please call the Orland Park campus at (708) 802-6200 or e-mail For a complete course description, you may also visit the School for Continuing & Professional Studies home page ( and click on the link titled "Certificate in Irish Studies."
Chicago (Jan. 22, 2008) Registration has started for Saint Xavier University’s highly successful non-credit Irish Studies certificate program this spring at the Orland Park campus.
Students explore Ireland’s heritage through an interdisciplinary program of history, the Gaelic language, literature, art, film and music.
Saint Xavier, which traces its roots to the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland, offers the program at its Orland Park Campus through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
Registration for a single class is $165, and students will receive a $30 discount if registering for more than one class per semester.
Classes begin in March and will include “Gaelic Language II,” “Irish Women Writers: Contemporary Short Stories by Women from Ireland,” “Modern Irish History 1950-Present” and “Researching Your Irish Roots: It Can Be Done!”
For more information or to register for the Saint Xavier’s Irish Studies program, please call the Orland Park campus at (708) 802-6200 or e-mail For a complete course description, you may also visit the School for Continuing & Professional Studies home page ( and click on the link titled "Certificate in Irish Studies."
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Faisal Rahman was featured in SouthtownStar story about U.S. economy
Saint Xavier University Professor Faisal Rahman was featured in a SouthtownStar story about the U.S. economy. In the article, Rahman cautioned investors against panicking and cashing out of investments, saying that the "underlying U.S. economy is fundamentally very strong."
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Saint Xavier University students to fight mining pollution in Southern Idaho water
After a semester of studying water management and conducting field work in a Saint Xavier honors class, several students will accompany SXU Biology Professor Tatiana Tatum and Philosophy Professor Thomas Thorp to Southern Idaho, where they will work alongside a local organization fighting to prevent mining pollution in area waters.
“In the past several decades, river scientists have come to the realization that the health of both the environment and the
Students began the semester by taking samples of Southwest Chicago’s Lake Marion on the SXU’s campus. They then will study and conduct field work on the Little Calumet River in the south suburbs and a branch of the Pecatonica River near Mineral Point, Wis.
In the classroom, students will learn the biology and chemistry of water, as well as the historical politics of water ownership and management. Thorp (pictured above) will teach the political and judicial background of how people own, regulate and distribute water. Students will begin locally by studying the history of the indigenous Potawatomi, Fox and Sauk Tribes, and how they lived on the land and alongside the rivers.
Tatum (pictured below) will lead the biology and chemistry discussions of water management.
As part of the course, students also must take part in online activism by identifying and then studying some of the many groups devoted to protecting clean water, whether around the city of Chicago or nationally.
In a grand finale, five students will travel to Idaho Falls this summer to work with environmental groups facing off against mining companies by doing the same testing of water, fish, plants and other aspects of aquatic life. In the process, they will work with local scientists and activists on the front lines of the battle for water conservation.
“This class provides a panoramic, three-dimensional approach to environmental education, equipping our students with the skills necessary to manage the environmental impact inherent in all activities,” said Tatum. “People care about protecting their health and safety through environmental stewardship, and they will do the right thing when given trustworthy information, expert training and simple tools.”
On April 8, John Hart, of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and Caribou County Clean Water, will travel here to present the annual SXU Honors Program Guest Lecture.
Contact Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Thursday, January 17, 2008
SXU’s Theology South lecture series continues
Professors to discuss the relationship between Christianity and pop culture
Chicago (Jan. 17, 2008) Michael O'Keeffe, Ph.D. and Kathleen Waller, Ph.D. will discuss the relationship between Christianity and pop culture as part of Saint Xavier University’s Theology South lecture series at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 7. in SXU’s Butler Reception Room, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago, IL.
In their lecture, “The Role of Hollywood in Shaping a Post-Vatican II Church before Vatican II,” O’Keeffe and Waller will examine how pop culture influences, and is influenced, by Christianity.
“Hollywood is seen as not very theologically sophisticated and overly critical, and that's not necessarily true,” O’Keeffe said.
The lecture will include scenes from “The Sopranos,” “The Cardinal” and “Boys Town.” A question and answer session will follow.
O’Keeffe is an associate professor of religious studies. He teaches courses on the American Catholic experience, Christology, sacraments, religion and film, and Catholic perspectives from systematic theology.
Waller is an associate professor of religious studies. She teaches courses on Christian ethics, Christianity and contemporary culture, systematic theology and spiritual autobiography.
The program begins at 9:30 a.m. and runs until 11 a.m. It is open to the public; admission is $6. Coffee will be available beginning at 9 a.m. For more information, please contact Donatta Yates at (708) 422-1635.
Chicago (Jan. 17, 2008) Michael O'Keeffe, Ph.D. and Kathleen Waller, Ph.D. will discuss the relationship between Christianity and pop culture as part of Saint Xavier University’s Theology South lecture series at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 7. in SXU’s Butler Reception Room, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago, IL.
In their lecture, “The Role of Hollywood in Shaping a Post-Vatican II Church before Vatican II,” O’Keeffe and Waller will examine how pop culture influences, and is influenced, by Christianity.
“Hollywood is seen as not very theologically sophisticated and overly critical, and that's not necessarily true,” O’Keeffe said.
The lecture will include scenes from “The Sopranos,” “The Cardinal” and “Boys Town.” A question and answer session will follow.
O’Keeffe is an associate professor of religious studies. He teaches courses on the American Catholic experience, Christology, sacraments, religion and film, and Catholic perspectives from systematic theology.
Waller is an associate professor of religious studies. She teaches courses on Christian ethics, Christianity and contemporary culture, systematic theology and spiritual autobiography.
The program begins at 9:30 a.m. and runs until 11 a.m. It is open to the public; admission is $6. Coffee will be available beginning at 9 a.m. For more information, please contact Donatta Yates at (708) 422-1635.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Saint Xavier University takes part in Global Warming Symposium Jan. 31

SXU to host a “Focus the Nation” webcast the night before
Chicago (Jan. 16, 2007) – The Saint Xavier University chapter of the Tri Beta National Biological Honors Society and the Latin American Studies Department will host a global warming symposium from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 31 in the Warde Academic Center, located at 3700 W. 103rd St.
Chicago (Jan. 16, 2007) – The Saint Xavier University chapter of the Tri Beta National Biological Honors Society and the Latin American Studies Department will host a global warming symposium from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 31 in the Warde Academic Center, located at 3700 W. 103rd St.
Participants from different academic departments, including language, philosophy, political science, and biology will give ten-minute presentations on how global warming affects their respective fields.
“This is not an issue only for biology or the hard sciences,” said SXU Biology Professor Tatiana Tatum, Ph.D. “Our aim is to demonstrate that global warming must be addressed by all people, no matter their discipline.”
The night before on Wednesday, Jan. 30, Saint Xavier will serve as one of the hosts of a “Focus the Nation” webcast to be produced by the National Wildlife Federation at the University of Central Florida and aired by The Earth Day Network. After an expert panel, there will be an informal discussion followed by a vote to rank the top three global warming issues. The top three issues will then be delivered to congressional offices across the nation on Feb. 18th when members of congress are back in their districts for the Presidents Day recess.
SXU hosts childhood development conference March 12
Conference targets four areas of early development
Chicago (Jan. 16, 2008) Saint Xavier University will host a childhood development conference for parents, caregivers and professionals from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Wednesday, March 12 at Saint Xavier’s Orland Park Campus, located at 18230 Orland Parkway.
“Early Childhood Today: The Trends, The Needs, The Strategies” will focus on speech and language, accommodations, early literacy and health and wellness for children ages birth through eight.
Scheduled workshops include “Music and Movement,” “Peace in the Classroom,” “Color Me Healthy: Foods for a Lifetime” and “From ‘Ba Ba’ to ‘Let's Play Baseball’: Typical Speech/Language Development.”
Saint Xavier University and the Southwest Cook County Cooperative Association for Special Education’s STAR NET Region VI are co-sponsoring the event in collaboration with Tinley Park Community School District 146.
“It is a pleasure to offer this conference to our early childhood community,” STAR NET Region VI Project Director Marlene Christ said. “Working so closely with Saint Xavier University and Tinley Park Community School District 146 gave us an opportunity to draw from the talent and expertise in south suburban Cook County for identifying presenters and topics.”
All participants must register online at On-site and phone registration is not allowed, and seating is limited. Childcare is not available at the conference. Registration costs $25 and includes workshop materials, continental breakfast and lunch. Sign-in begins at 8 a.m. the day of the conference.
Families with special needs children up to eight years old may apply for a reimbursement stipend by visiting STAR NET’s Web site at or calling (708) 342-5370.
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. STAR NET is an approved provider for Continuing Professional Development Units through the Illinois State Board of Education and continuing education for speech-language pathologists, social workers, occupational therapists and physical therapists through the Department of Financial and Professional Regulations.
For more information about the conference, please contact Christ at (708) 342-5370. For workshop descriptions and registration, please visit
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Chicago (Jan. 16, 2008) Saint Xavier University will host a childhood development conference for parents, caregivers and professionals from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., on Wednesday, March 12 at Saint Xavier’s Orland Park Campus, located at 18230 Orland Parkway.
“Early Childhood Today: The Trends, The Needs, The Strategies” will focus on speech and language, accommodations, early literacy and health and wellness for children ages birth through eight.
Scheduled workshops include “Music and Movement,” “Peace in the Classroom,” “Color Me Healthy: Foods for a Lifetime” and “From ‘Ba Ba’ to ‘Let's Play Baseball’: Typical Speech/Language Development.”
Saint Xavier University and the Southwest Cook County Cooperative Association for Special Education’s STAR NET Region VI are co-sponsoring the event in collaboration with Tinley Park Community School District 146.
“It is a pleasure to offer this conference to our early childhood community,” STAR NET Region VI Project Director Marlene Christ said. “Working so closely with Saint Xavier University and Tinley Park Community School District 146 gave us an opportunity to draw from the talent and expertise in south suburban Cook County for identifying presenters and topics.”
All participants must register online at On-site and phone registration is not allowed, and seating is limited. Childcare is not available at the conference. Registration costs $25 and includes workshop materials, continental breakfast and lunch. Sign-in begins at 8 a.m. the day of the conference.
Families with special needs children up to eight years old may apply for a reimbursement stipend by visiting STAR NET’s Web site at or calling (708) 342-5370.
All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. STAR NET is an approved provider for Continuing Professional Development Units through the Illinois State Board of Education and continuing education for speech-language pathologists, social workers, occupational therapists and physical therapists through the Department of Financial and Professional Regulations.
For more information about the conference, please contact Christ at (708) 342-5370. For workshop descriptions and registration, please visit
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Civil Rights Activist to speak at SXU Jan. 22

Chicago (Jan. 16, 2008) Civil rights activist the Rev. Daniel Mallette will headline Saint Xavier University’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 22 at Saint Xavier’s Chicago campus, located at 3700 W. 103rd St.
The event, which is free and open to the public, will be held in the Butler Reception Room, located in the Warde Academic Center.
Mallette will speak about his experiences and memories of marching with King during 1966 in Chicago and share his thoughts about King’s legacy. He is pastor of St. Margaret of Scotland Parish, located at 99th St. and Vincennes Ave.
The celebration will feature the AFC-Upper Room Ministries Gospel Choir and Praise Dancers, spoken word, excerpts from King’s speeches, student perspectives and prayer.
The event is sponsored by Saint Xavier Student Affairs, Saint Xavier Mission and Heritage and various student organizations.
For more information, please contact Saint Xavier Campus Life at (773) 298-3325 or
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
SXU hosts "Guitar Hero" video game competition as part of Welcome Back week
Monday, January 14, 2008
SXU celebrates 10-year anniversary of Chicago Police Department partnership
1,000 CPD officers and employees have participated in unique education program
Chicago (Jan. 14, 2008) – As of this month, approximately 1,000 Chicago Police Department officers and employees have participated in an MBA program or degree completion program offered by Saint Xavier University Graham School of Management at the Chicago Police Department Education and Training Division.
Saint Xavier and the Chicago Police celebrate their 10-year partnership at 6:30 p.m., Jan 24 in the Butler Reception Room of the Warde Academic Center by hosting a reception to celebrate the academic and professional accomplishments of program graduates.
“This successful collaboration with the Chicago Police Department is a source of tremendous pride for Saint Xavier University and the Graham School of Management,” said Graham School Dean James Brodzinski, Ph.D. “We look forward to continuing and enhancing this unique partnership.”
Saint Xavier University offers an entire MBA program at the Chicago Police Department Education and Training Division specifically for officers and employees of the Chicago Police Department. An MBA is a highly marketable degree for both public and private industry. Chicago Police officers have been able to use their degree to better serve the city.
“The MBA classes provide a valuable educational experience as well as an opportunity to meet and interact with department members from various units throughout the city,” said Lt. Bruce Lipman, MBA 2001, commanding officer, Office of Management and Accountability. “As we have been able to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and problem solving strategies related to departmental issues, we have improved both professionally and personally.”
CPD students have the opportunity of studying various concentrations such as Financial Fraud Examination, Training and Workplace Learning, Management, and Disaster Preparedness as they work toward their MBA. Traditionally, classes are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Education and Training Division.
Program Director Kate Watland, Ph.D., said “It is admirable that so many officers are dedicated to learning and are ready and able to apply what they learn to provide services and make this city a safer place. We are very proud to have them in our program.”
Please contact Watland at (773) 298-3680 or Steve Hallenbeck at (773) 298-3836 for more information about the program.
Contact Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Chicago (Jan. 14, 2008) – As of this month, approximately 1,000 Chicago Police Department officers and employees have participated in an MBA program or degree completion program offered by Saint Xavier University Graham School of Management at the Chicago Police Department Education and Training Division.
Saint Xavier and the Chicago Police celebrate their 10-year partnership at 6:30 p.m., Jan 24 in the Butler Reception Room of the Warde Academic Center by hosting a reception to celebrate the academic and professional accomplishments of program graduates.
“This successful collaboration with the Chicago Police Department is a source of tremendous pride for Saint Xavier University and the Graham School of Management,” said Graham School Dean James Brodzinski, Ph.D. “We look forward to continuing and enhancing this unique partnership.”
Saint Xavier University offers an entire MBA program at the Chicago Police Department Education and Training Division specifically for officers and employees of the Chicago Police Department. An MBA is a highly marketable degree for both public and private industry. Chicago Police officers have been able to use their degree to better serve the city.
“The MBA classes provide a valuable educational experience as well as an opportunity to meet and interact with department members from various units throughout the city,” said Lt. Bruce Lipman, MBA 2001, commanding officer, Office of Management and Accountability. “As we have been able to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and problem solving strategies related to departmental issues, we have improved both professionally and personally.”
CPD students have the opportunity of studying various concentrations such as Financial Fraud Examination, Training and Workplace Learning, Management, and Disaster Preparedness as they work toward their MBA. Traditionally, classes are offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Education and Training Division.
Program Director Kate Watland, Ph.D., said “It is admirable that so many officers are dedicated to learning and are ready and able to apply what they learn to provide services and make this city a safer place. We are very proud to have them in our program.”
Please contact Watland at (773) 298-3680 or Steve Hallenbeck at (773) 298-3836 for more information about the program.
Contact Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Friday, January 11, 2008
SXU’s Women and Gender Studies program celebrates 15-year anniversary
Department to host several events in coming months
Chicago (Jan. 11, 2008) – Saint Xavier University’s Women and Gender Studies program commemorates its 15th anniversary this year with several presentations exploring gender equality and highlighting famous women.
“I think it's a wonderful opportunity to continue to show the relevance of this program and the extent it lies at the heart of the university's mission,” said Program Director and Associate Professor of English Gina Rossetti, Ph.D.
The following events are free and open to the public. They will be held at Saint Xavier’s Chicago campus, 3700 W. 103rd St., unless otherwise noted:
Jan. 26: Margins and Centers: Interrogating the Limits of Privilege, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Butler Reception Room. Presenters will address gender-related questions, including: What are the gender and power issues in the classroom? How do your in-class activities promote inclusivity? How does the organizational structure of the university privilege others? How does privilege replicate itself in scholarly works? Co-sponsored by the Center for Educational Practice.
March 31: Listen up: Student voices on gender and equity, noon to 2 p.m., Butler Reception Room. Three SXU students will showcase their research pertaining to gender studies and equity access.
April 19: Music of Her Visions: Hildegard von Bingen: A Celebration in Word, Song and Sight, 7 p.m., Mercy Convent Chapel at Mother McAuley High School, 3737 W. 99th Street. The Saint Xavier University Women of Distinction Ensemble will perform under the direction of music professor Jan E. Bickel, D.M.A., Religious Studies professor Avis Clendenen, Ph.D., will give commentary. Co-sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences.
Women and Gender Studies is a multidisciplinary perspective on the diverse experiences and contributions of women and on issues related to gender. Courses focus on cultural identities, social roles, collective history, and literary and artistic traditions. The program was founded by Carol Postman and Maire Mullin.
For more information about the listed events or the Women and Gender Studies program, please contact Rossetti at (773) 298-3598.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Chicago (Jan. 11, 2008) – Saint Xavier University’s Women and Gender Studies program commemorates its 15th anniversary this year with several presentations exploring gender equality and highlighting famous women.
“I think it's a wonderful opportunity to continue to show the relevance of this program and the extent it lies at the heart of the university's mission,” said Program Director and Associate Professor of English Gina Rossetti, Ph.D.
The following events are free and open to the public. They will be held at Saint Xavier’s Chicago campus, 3700 W. 103rd St., unless otherwise noted:
Jan. 26: Margins and Centers: Interrogating the Limits of Privilege, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Butler Reception Room. Presenters will address gender-related questions, including: What are the gender and power issues in the classroom? How do your in-class activities promote inclusivity? How does the organizational structure of the university privilege others? How does privilege replicate itself in scholarly works? Co-sponsored by the Center for Educational Practice.
March 31: Listen up: Student voices on gender and equity, noon to 2 p.m., Butler Reception Room. Three SXU students will showcase their research pertaining to gender studies and equity access.
April 19: Music of Her Visions: Hildegard von Bingen: A Celebration in Word, Song and Sight, 7 p.m., Mercy Convent Chapel at Mother McAuley High School, 3737 W. 99th Street. The Saint Xavier University Women of Distinction Ensemble will perform under the direction of music professor Jan E. Bickel, D.M.A., Religious Studies professor Avis Clendenen, Ph.D., will give commentary. Co-sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences.
Women and Gender Studies is a multidisciplinary perspective on the diverse experiences and contributions of women and on issues related to gender. Courses focus on cultural identities, social roles, collective history, and literary and artistic traditions. The program was founded by Carol Postman and Maire Mullin.
For more information about the listed events or the Women and Gender Studies program, please contact Rossetti at (773) 298-3598.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
SXU Gallery hosts visual artist Michelle Sales
Exhibit runs Jan. 7-30
Chicago (Jan. 8, 2008) –The work of visual artist Michelle Sales will be showcased beginning Jan. 7 at Saint Xavier University’s SXU Gallery, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago.
The “Quantum Memory” exhibit explores the flawed nature of the creation, preservation and recollection of memories. Sales hand-dyes discarded synthetic materials, such as grocery bags and packing felt, then uses heat to reform them.
“When we retrieve a remembrance, it is imperfect; fragmented and incomplete,” she said. “Each piece of twisted and distorted material becomes a metaphor for my own beliefs about memory and daily existence.”
The exhibit runs through Jan. 30. Sales will speak at an opening reception at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16 at the SXU Gallery. The exhibit and lecture are free and open to the public.
Sales began exhibiting her work in 1990 while teaching at the college level and hosting workshops. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2001 from the School of the Art Institute in Chicago.
The SXU Gallery is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. For more information, please contact the SXU Gallery at (773) 298-3081.
Contact: Rick Duca
773-298-3325 or

One of the works of visual artist Michelle Sales to be featured in Saint Xavier University’s SXU Gallery from Jan. 7 through Jan. 30.
Chicago (Jan. 8, 2008) –The work of visual artist Michelle Sales will be showcased beginning Jan. 7 at Saint Xavier University’s SXU Gallery, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago.
The “Quantum Memory” exhibit explores the flawed nature of the creation, preservation and recollection of memories. Sales hand-dyes discarded synthetic materials, such as grocery bags and packing felt, then uses heat to reform them.
“When we retrieve a remembrance, it is imperfect; fragmented and incomplete,” she said. “Each piece of twisted and distorted material becomes a metaphor for my own beliefs about memory and daily existence.”
The exhibit runs through Jan. 30. Sales will speak at an opening reception at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16 at the SXU Gallery. The exhibit and lecture are free and open to the public.
Sales began exhibiting her work in 1990 while teaching at the college level and hosting workshops. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2001 from the School of the Art Institute in Chicago.
The SXU Gallery is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. For more information, please contact the SXU Gallery at (773) 298-3081.
Contact: Rick Duca
773-298-3325 or
Monday, January 7, 2008
Saint Xavier graduates first class of Air Force special agents for fraud examination
Group graduates from country’s only classroom-based Financial Fraud Examination and Management Master’s program

Chicago (Jan. 7, 2008) -- Five U.S. Air Force special agents were among the first in the country to obtain classroom-based master’s degrees in Financial Fraud Examination and Management on Jan. 7 at Saint Xavier University’s Winter Commencement.
Special Agents Robert Green, Christopher Nelson, Courtney Stockton, Michael Lecco and David Franklin earned their degrees through Saint Xavier’s Graham School of Management in Chicago, which offers the only classroom-based MBA program in financial fraud and examination in the country.
The program combines elements of law enforcement, law, accounting and general business education. In January, Saint Xavier began offering classes in the Chicago Bar Association building in Chicago’s Loop. The U.S. Air Force and Chicago Police Department, the nation’s second largest police department, both chose Saint Xavier to better train their agents and officers in identity theft and financial and procurement fraud.
Terry Mosher, Air Force Headquarters Office of Special Investigations fraud manager, said the agents’ extra training will be “very helpful,” particularly in investigations against major corporations.
Program founder and director Assistant Professor William J. Kresse said the agents will soon be fighting fraud on Air Force bases around the world.
“These Saint Xavier graduates will be doing the important work of ensuring taxpayer money is not squandered and that our fighting men and women get the necessary resources to successfully complete their missions,” he said.
Kresse was recently named Educator of the Year by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the world’s leading professional association dedicated to fighting fraud and white collar crime. He also received an Institute of Fraud Prevention grant to conduct the most extensive study of identity theft to date: “IDENTITY THEFT: Findings and Public Policy Recommendations From the Saint Xavier University Study of Identity Theft Incidents Reported to the Chicago Police Department, 2000 – 2006.”
Noted Chicago businessman James J. O’Connor spoke at Saint Xavier’s Winter Commencement and received a Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa, in recognition of his extraordinary record of service.
O’Connor is retired chairman and chief executive officer of Unicom Corporation and its subsidiary, Commonwealth Edison Company. O’Connor is director of the following companies: Armstrong World Industries Inc., Corning Incorporated (Lead Director), Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation (Lead Director). He previously served as director of Bell and Howell, Borg-Warner, Esmark, Everen Securities, First Chicago Corporation, Tribune Company and Trizec Properties.
O’Connor served on the Board of Trustees for Saint Xavier University from 1979 to 1995. His distinguished service to and generous support of Saint Xavier University are exemplary. The SXU Board of Trustees elected him a life trustee in 2005.
Contact: Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or

AF Group: From left to right, SXU Assistant Professor William Kresse, SXU Provost Dominick Hart, Air Force Special Agent David Franklin, Air Force Headquarters Office of Special Investigations Fraud Manager Terry Mosher, Air Force Special Agent Michael Lecco, SXU President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D., Air Force Special Agent Robert Green, SXU Graham School of Business Dean James Brodzinski, Assistant Professor Kate Watland.
Chicago (Jan. 7, 2008) -- Five U.S. Air Force special agents were among the first in the country to obtain classroom-based master’s degrees in Financial Fraud Examination and Management on Jan. 7 at Saint Xavier University’s Winter Commencement.
Special Agents Robert Green, Christopher Nelson, Courtney Stockton, Michael Lecco and David Franklin earned their degrees through Saint Xavier’s Graham School of Management in Chicago, which offers the only classroom-based MBA program in financial fraud and examination in the country.
The program combines elements of law enforcement, law, accounting and general business education. In January, Saint Xavier began offering classes in the Chicago Bar Association building in Chicago’s Loop. The U.S. Air Force and Chicago Police Department, the nation’s second largest police department, both chose Saint Xavier to better train their agents and officers in identity theft and financial and procurement fraud.
Terry Mosher, Air Force Headquarters Office of Special Investigations fraud manager, said the agents’ extra training will be “very helpful,” particularly in investigations against major corporations.
Program founder and director Assistant Professor William J. Kresse said the agents will soon be fighting fraud on Air Force bases around the world.
“These Saint Xavier graduates will be doing the important work of ensuring taxpayer money is not squandered and that our fighting men and women get the necessary resources to successfully complete their missions,” he said.
Kresse was recently named Educator of the Year by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the world’s leading professional association dedicated to fighting fraud and white collar crime. He also received an Institute of Fraud Prevention grant to conduct the most extensive study of identity theft to date: “IDENTITY THEFT: Findings and Public Policy Recommendations From the Saint Xavier University Study of Identity Theft Incidents Reported to the Chicago Police Department, 2000 – 2006.”
Noted Chicago businessman James J. O’Connor spoke at Saint Xavier’s Winter Commencement and received a Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa, in recognition of his extraordinary record of service.
O’Connor is retired chairman and chief executive officer of Unicom Corporation and its subsidiary, Commonwealth Edison Company. O’Connor is director of the following companies: Armstrong World Industries Inc., Corning Incorporated (Lead Director), Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation (Lead Director). He previously served as director of Bell and Howell, Borg-Warner, Esmark, Everen Securities, First Chicago Corporation, Tribune Company and Trizec Properties.
O’Connor served on the Board of Trustees for Saint Xavier University from 1979 to 1995. His distinguished service to and generous support of Saint Xavier University are exemplary. The SXU Board of Trustees elected him a life trustee in 2005.
Contact: Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Friday, January 4, 2008
President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D., recounts Saint Xavier's many accomplishments during 2007
An article by Saint Xavier University President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D., about the University's many accomplishments over the past year appeared in the Jan. 3 edition of the Orland Park Prairie.
Saint Xavier University awarded, grows
by Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D., President Saint Xavier University
January 03, 2008
Saint Xavier University experienced another remarkable year. Once again, the university ranked in the top 25 percent in U.S. News & World Report's 2008 ranking of Best Colleges in the Midwest offering undergraduate and master's degrees. We also ranked 37th among 146 institutions in the Midwest and fifth among all master's comprehensive universities in Illinois.
The National League for Nursing awarded Saint Xavier University's School of Nursing the prestigious designation of Center of Excellence in Nursing Education in September 2007. This distinction places our School of Nursing among only 11 schools in the nation to receive this honor during the past four years.
Saint Xavier University and Joliet Junior College recently signed an agreement at our Orland Park Campus that allows education majors from Joliet Junior College to more easily transfer to Saint Xavier to earn an undergraduate degree and teacher certification.We also signed a dual admission agreement earlier this year with Prairie State College that will allow PSC students to create a four-year plan for completing the Bachelor of Science degree at our Orland Park campus.
Saint Xavier University either met or exceeded national benchmarks in nearly every category of the National Survey of Student Engagement this year. We are one of three Chicago institutions of higher education to have made findings public. We are one of 32 institutions nationally to have participated in this survey since it began in 2000.
The first two lectures of the SXU Voices and Visions Speaker Series were very successful. Former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright in April and General Colin L. Powell (Ret.) in September addressed capacity audiences in the Shannon Center on our Chicago campus.
Saint Xavier opened its Loop location in the Chicago Bar Association in January and began offering graduate classes in the Financial Fraud Examination and Management program.
At the Orland Park Campus, the University's School for Continuing and Professional Studies began a non-credit Irish Studies program in which students explored Ireland's heritage through an interdisciplinary program of history, the Gaelic language, literature, art, film and music.
More than 700 guests of Saint Xavier University attended the 22nd annual President's Scholarship Ball in Chicago's Field Museum in April. Total proceeds exceeded a record $350,000. Net proceeds from the Scholarship Ball benefit the Presidential Scholars Program at Saint Xavier University. Chicago Alderman Edward M. Burke was honored with the Shield of Saint Xavier for his service and generosity to the city's Catholic institutions.
Four leading architectural firms competed this spring in the second phase of an architectural design contest to select a firm to design a new library. The Richard H. Driehaus 2004 Charitable Lead Trust donated stipends to pay for the designs, as it did with a previous competition in collaboration with University of Notre Dame's School of Architecture. The new library is the gateway project toward Saint Xavier University's vision of becoming recognized as a leading comprehensive Catholic university.
Saint Xavier broke ground in November for a new residence hall to be located on the northeast quadrant of its Chicago campus. We anticipate the 108-bed facility will be finished by August 2008. The new facility is in keeping with the University's Strategic Plan, which calls for a minimum of 1,000 students to be living on its Chicago campus.We will build the new residence hall to LEED Silver environmental standards as set forth by the U.S. Green Building Council.
The University's Arthur Rubloff Hall, which opened fall 2006, became the first university building in Illinois to receive the prestigious LEED Gold designation.A leader in green practices, Saint Xavier is a member of the Illinois Sustainable University Compact, which has pledged to accomplish multiple environmentally sound goals by Dec. 31, 2010. The University became the first Chicago university to sign the Presidents Climate Commitment, joining 415 other schools nationwide in a pledge to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
Thank you for the opportunity to share just a few of our many successes with you. I encourage you to explore our website ( and visit our Chicago and Orland Park campuses to learn more about our mission and heritage, our Eight Strategic Directions and the quality academic programs Saint Xavier University offers.
Saint Xavier University awarded, grows
by Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D., President Saint Xavier University
January 03, 2008

The National League for Nursing awarded Saint Xavier University's School of Nursing the prestigious designation of Center of Excellence in Nursing Education in September 2007. This distinction places our School of Nursing among only 11 schools in the nation to receive this honor during the past four years.
Saint Xavier University and Joliet Junior College recently signed an agreement at our Orland Park Campus that allows education majors from Joliet Junior College to more easily transfer to Saint Xavier to earn an undergraduate degree and teacher certification.We also signed a dual admission agreement earlier this year with Prairie State College that will allow PSC students to create a four-year plan for completing the Bachelor of Science degree at our Orland Park campus.
Saint Xavier University either met or exceeded national benchmarks in nearly every category of the National Survey of Student Engagement this year. We are one of three Chicago institutions of higher education to have made findings public. We are one of 32 institutions nationally to have participated in this survey since it began in 2000.
The first two lectures of the SXU Voices and Visions Speaker Series were very successful. Former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright in April and General Colin L. Powell (Ret.) in September addressed capacity audiences in the Shannon Center on our Chicago campus.
Saint Xavier opened its Loop location in the Chicago Bar Association in January and began offering graduate classes in the Financial Fraud Examination and Management program.
At the Orland Park Campus, the University's School for Continuing and Professional Studies began a non-credit Irish Studies program in which students explored Ireland's heritage through an interdisciplinary program of history, the Gaelic language, literature, art, film and music.
More than 700 guests of Saint Xavier University attended the 22nd annual President's Scholarship Ball in Chicago's Field Museum in April. Total proceeds exceeded a record $350,000. Net proceeds from the Scholarship Ball benefit the Presidential Scholars Program at Saint Xavier University. Chicago Alderman Edward M. Burke was honored with the Shield of Saint Xavier for his service and generosity to the city's Catholic institutions.
Four leading architectural firms competed this spring in the second phase of an architectural design contest to select a firm to design a new library. The Richard H. Driehaus 2004 Charitable Lead Trust donated stipends to pay for the designs, as it did with a previous competition in collaboration with University of Notre Dame's School of Architecture. The new library is the gateway project toward Saint Xavier University's vision of becoming recognized as a leading comprehensive Catholic university.
Saint Xavier broke ground in November for a new residence hall to be located on the northeast quadrant of its Chicago campus. We anticipate the 108-bed facility will be finished by August 2008. The new facility is in keeping with the University's Strategic Plan, which calls for a minimum of 1,000 students to be living on its Chicago campus.We will build the new residence hall to LEED Silver environmental standards as set forth by the U.S. Green Building Council.
The University's Arthur Rubloff Hall, which opened fall 2006, became the first university building in Illinois to receive the prestigious LEED Gold designation.A leader in green practices, Saint Xavier is a member of the Illinois Sustainable University Compact, which has pledged to accomplish multiple environmentally sound goals by Dec. 31, 2010. The University became the first Chicago university to sign the Presidents Climate Commitment, joining 415 other schools nationwide in a pledge to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.
Thank you for the opportunity to share just a few of our many successes with you. I encourage you to explore our website ( and visit our Chicago and Orland Park campuses to learn more about our mission and heritage, our Eight Strategic Directions and the quality academic programs Saint Xavier University offers.
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