See Saint Xavier Vice President for Mission and Heritage Sr. Susan Sanders, R.S.M., Ph.D. as one of those interviewed for the Chicago History Museum presention on Chicago Catholics running through Jan. 2009.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mayor Richard M. Daley and Maggie Daley attend SXU luncheon
For More Information:
Contact Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Indian Sisters of the Holy Cross graduate from SXU
Chicago (May 21, 2008) Five members of the Sisters of the Holy Cross from India graduated on Saturday, May 17 from Saint Xavier University, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago.
Sr. Shereen Thomas, Sr. Bindu George, Sr. Udaya Kuzhivelil, Sr. Metty Lawrence and Sr. Jolly Jose all received bachelor’s degrees in nursing from SXU’s School of Nursing.
The Sisters, who were sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, will stay at SXU to pursue master’s degrees before returning to India.
Margaret Corbett Daley spoke at SXU’s undergraduate commencement at 11 a.m. in the SXU Shannon Center. She received a Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa. “Maggie” is the first lady of Chicago and chair of the Board of Directors of After School Matters, an umbrella organization for out-of-school programs. She provides leadership and service to numerous civic and nonprofit organizations.
James J. McDonough spoke at SXU’s 3 p.m. commencement and received a Doctor of Public Service, honoris causa. McDonough is Chairman of the Board and CEO of McDonough Associates, Incorporated, an engineering/architectural consulting firm. He is a former SXU Board of Trustees Chairman and was elected a Life Trustee in 1998. McDonough also provides leadership and service to numerous civic and nonprofit organizations, including the Chicago Transit Authority’s Board.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
SXU alum wins Golden Apple teaching award

Chicago (May 20, 2008) Saint Xavier University graduate John Nieciak was one of 10 Chicago-area teachers honored with the 23rd Annual Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching in Grades 4 through 8. Nieciak is the sixth Saint Xavier graduate to receive the Golden Apple Award since its inception in 1986.
The Golden Apple Foundation, which is dedicated to recognizing and developing excellence in teaching, will honor the winners at an award ceremony on Sept. 6 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. The ceremony will be aired later as a one-hour prime-time special on WTTW/Channel 11.
Nieciak, of Mount Greenwood, holds three degrees from SXU — a Bachelor’s in English, a Master’s in education and a reading specialist certificate. He is a reading and language arts teacher at Mark Sheridan Math and Science Academy in Evergreen Park.
“I received this for 20 years of working every day to perfect my craft … It’s about seeking support and guidance from experts and then bringing that expertise to the classroom,” Nieciak said. “It keeps me renewed.”
A total of 850 teachers from Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and Will were nominated for the award with. 31 finalists named in January.
Each of the 10 Golden Apple Award winners will receive a tuition-free spring-term sabbatical at Northwestern University, a personal computer from IBM, $3,000 and membership in the Golden Apple Academy of Educators, which now has inducted 220 expert teachers who work together to ensure that all children have the excellent instruction they deserve.
The Awards Selection Committee is comprised of distinguished Chicago-area educators. Two selection committee members observed each of the 31 finalists in their classroom and interviewed their principal and selected colleagues, parents and students.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
SXU dedicates Smith-Morris Quad to honor donors

(From left to right) SXU Board of Trustees Chairman Thomas Chomicz, Patricia A. (Smith) Morris, James A. Morris and President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D, at the dedication ceremony of the Smith-Morris Quadrangle.
Chicago (May 20, 2008) Saint Xavier University honored donors James A. Morris and Patricia A. (Smith) Morris, ’83, by dedicating the Smith-Morris Quadrangle on May 14.
“Jim and Trish Morris have been among the most dedicated supporters and generous donors in the history of the University,” said President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D. “We are pleased to honor them for their commitment to the mission and core values of Saint Xavier University.”The Morrises, who reside in Park Ridge, have given generously to the University. They have chaired the President’s Scholarship Ball and annually sponsor the Shield of Saint Xavier, the University’s highest honor. They have contributed to a growing culture of giving among students through their matching support of the annual senior class gift.
Jim Morris volunteered for leadership roles in capital campaign efforts. Patricia Morris served as a faculty member from 1987 to 1996 in the psychology department. She has been a trustee since 2001 and serves as chair of the trusteeship committee and vice-chair of the SXU Board of Trustees.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Friday, May 16, 2008
SXU students complete Pastoral Ministry program

(From left) Carina Spendel, Helene Albano, Michael Fekete and Octavio Trejo Flores pose for a photo after receiving their Pastoral Ministry certificates from Saint Xavier University.
Chicago (May 16, 2008) Four Saint Xavier University students were awarded undergraduate and graduate Pastoral Ministry certificates during a ceremony on May 8 at SXU’s McDonough Chapel & Mercy Ministry Center, 3700 W. 103rd St., Chicago.
Michael Fekete of Oak Lawn received a graduate certificate in Pastoral Studies. Carina Spendel of Cincinnati, Ohio, Helene Albano of Oak Lawn and Octavio Trejo Flores of Chicago completed undergraduate minors in pastoral ministry.
“We are very proud these students have chosen to deepen their understanding of ministerial theology in order to better serve a variety of ministries in the future,” said SXU Professor of Religious Studies Avis Clendenen, who serves as faculty in the Pastoral Ministry Institute.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Saint Xavier University Relations wins Publicity Club of Chicago

The SXU entry was one of more than 200 submitted from throughout the Midwest. The 2007 annual report titled, “Success with Purpose,” tells stories of how members of the Saint Xavier community benefit from the Eight Strategic Directions and experience success with purpose. The annual report was written by Melissa Fraterrigo, senior editor, and designed by Andrea Vehe, publications director.
The award was presented during the Publicity Club of Chicago’s 49th Annual Golden Trumpet Awards Luncheon on Friday, May 9, at The Palmer House Hilton. The ceremony honored the creative and innovative programming performed by public relations and communications professionals in Chicago.
“I am proud of the commitment to excellence by our University Relations staff,” said Saint Xavier President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D. “We have a first-class team of public relations professionals dedicated to telling the story of our University.”
The nation’s largest independent public relations organization, the Publicity Club of Chicago awards the Golden Trumpet Award for excellence in planning, creativity and execution to corporate and nonprofit organizations in the Midwest.
Photo from left to right: Andrea Vehe, SXU publications director and Melissa Fraterrigo, SXU senior editor.
Saint Xavier University’s accreditation from Higher Learning Commission continues

During Nov. 5 to 7, 2007, an HLC eight-member team visited with SXU trustees, faculty, staff, administrators, students and alumni at both the Chicago and Orland Park campuses. The site visit was the culmination of two years of self-evaluation undertaken by the University for the purpose of seeking reaccreditation and continuous quality improvement.
“I wish to congratulate and thank everyone who assisted with the self study process, the report and the site visit of the HLC Team,” said SXU President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D.
At its meeting on April 28, 2008, the HLC’s Institutional Actions Council (ICA) voted to continue the accreditation of Saint Xavier University. The Commission Board of Trustees validated the IAC action through its validation process that concluded on May 8, 2008.
“I commend President Dwyer for leading such a thorough process of self-study,” said SXU Board of Trustees Chair Thomas Chomicz.
Contact: Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Monday, May 12, 2008
SXU art students take part in Looptopia

Chicago (May 12, 2008) Saint Xavier University students hosted a video projection display and a miniature art school at last weekend’s Looptopia festival in Chicago.
Two crews of SXU students were involved in two different exhibits at the all-night art and cultural festival in the Loop area.
The first crew of about 40 students produced an ecologically themed video projection display near Wacker Drive and Wabash Avenue. All students contributed content for the giant projectors set up in the back of UPS trucks. The projects were created in collaboration with a water activism program through SXU’s biology department.
Participants could visit several stations offering instruction on different types of art from students, such as photography, animation, collages, silk screening and mask-making. After they finished their projects, they received a report card and were eligible for prizes. The project was in collaboration with teachers from several local art institutions.
Nathan Peck, assistant professor of art and design at SXU, estimates about 1,000 visitors participated in the school.
“It was an art jam,” Peck said. “The idea was to get a bunch of people together and have them impacted by the collaboration so they make things they wouldn’t have been able to if they were sitting alone at home.”
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Friday, May 9, 2008
Saint Xavier to be first American university to offer European bike share option
Chicago (May 8, 2008) Saint Xavier University students, faculty and staff will have the option of a self-service bike sharing program beginning next semester.
Over the summer, the University will install the SXU Green Bike Program, providing 65 European pedal bikes that can be automatically checked out 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a Cougar card and returned to any of several computerized docking stations around campus. The first 15 minutes between docking stations will be free, and patrons can use cell phone technology to more easily arrange for a bike.
Many universities across the country offer some form of sharing program, but Saint Xavier will be the first to use the shaft-driven bikes from the French company Veloway, Europe’s premier bike share distributor. More information will follow this summer.
“The SXU Green Bike Program will be a remarkable addition to this campus,” said Assistant Vice President for Physical Facilities Paul Matthews. “This latest in a long line of green activities at Saint Xavier will allow students, faculty and staff to forego their fuel-burning vehicles and travel campus in a clean and sustainable way.”
For more information about SXU’s Green Bike program, please visit
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Orland Park student recognized at SXU Honors Program Conference

Chicago (May 8, 2008) Craig Sonneveld was awarded top honors for his paper examining circadian rhythms last month at Saint Xavier University’s Sixth Annual Honors Program Conference.
The event showcases the research and creative senior projects of honors students who began their work in their junior year. The projects engage issues from a wide spectrum of disciplines, including biology, communication, education, literature, philosophy, communication sciences and disorders, music, nursing and political science.
Sonneveld, a biology major from Orland Park, explored the roughly 24-hour cycles in the biological, physiological and behavioral processes of organisms in his paper titled “Chronobiology: The Heart of the Clock.”
Sonneveld discusses possible reasons for what triggers these rhythms and cites experimental data supporting one particular hypothesis. He then examines a specific case of how natural rhythms in the human body alter the effectiveness of heart medication.
“We all are deeply impressed with the time and effort that went into these challenging presentations, particularly Craig’s,” said Judith Hiltner, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and director of the Undergraduate Honors Program. “His work challenges people to re-evaluate their ideas about circadian rhythms.”
The SXU Honors Program offers an enriched academic experience to talented and highly motivated students. Honors students may pursue any undergraduate major in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Schools of Education, Management and Nursing.
For more information on the Honors Program, visit, or contact Hiltner at (773) 298-3230 or
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
SXU Prof. Peter N. Kirstein interviewed in Louisville-Courier Journal
The story can be viewed bly clicking here:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
SXU names 2007-08 McGowan Scholar

Chicago (May 6, 2008) Saint Xavier University has named Amber Smith the Graham School of Management McGowan Scholar for the 2008-09 school year.
Smith, a senior marketing student from Cowden, Ill., will receive a scholarship for the full academic year’s tuition. Smith hopes to attain several marketing internships and eventually work for a beverage company.
Smith said she would like to reach the point in her career where she could accomplish her ultimate goal of developing a Super Bowl commercial.
The McGowan Scholarship is open to students at the Graham School of Management entering their final year in graduate or undergraduate studies. It is primarily funded through an annual grant from the William G. McGowan Charitable Trust.
Contact: Rick Ducat
773-298-3325 or
Monday, May 5, 2008
SXU students test river water near Mineral Point, Wis.; Honors students travel to Pecatonica River to practice water conservation techniques
As part of an SXU honors class dedicated to water conservation, students tested water on farm land for oxygen levels, iron, phosphates, pH, alkalinity, chlorine, and other chemicals. Afterwards, students speculated on what effects cattle grazing, man-made fertilizers and other farming activities may have had on the river.
Students began the semester by taking samples of Southwest Chicago’s Lake Marion on the SXU campus, followed by the Little Calumet River in the south suburbs.
After a semester of studying water management and conducting field work in the honors class, several students will accompany Tatum and Thorp to Southern Idaho in late June and early July. There, they will work alongside a local organization fighting to prevent mining pollution in area waters.
In early April, John Hart, of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and Caribou County Clean Water Partnership, presented the annual SXU Honors Program Guest Lecture.
Contact: Joe Moore
Saint Xavier Professor raises $3,500 for fallen Chicago Police officers
Chicago (May 5, 2008) Saint Xavier University Professor Bill Kresse raised $3,500 for the families of fallen Chicago Police officers at the 4th Annual Run To Remember on Saturday, May 3. Proceeds from the annual 5K run along Chicago’s lakeshore go toward the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation.
Kresse raised the highest amount of donations for the race this year and lost 50 pounds leading up to his first 5K.
“I am so pleased to have been able to take part in such a worthy cause,” Kresse said. “It is an honor to help remember these brave men and women.”
Kresse is the director and chief architect of the financial fraud examination and management graduate program at Saint Xavier University’s Graham School of Management, currently the only classroom-based MBA program in financial fraud examination and identity theft in the country.
Saint Xavier offers the program, which combines law enforcement, law, accounting and general business education, at its Chicago campus, at the Chicago Bar Association building in the Loop and at the Chicago Police Academy. The U.S. Air Force and Chicago Police Department have both chosen the program to better train their agents and officers in identity theft and financial and procurement fraud.
Saint Xavier University also recently celebrated its 10-year partnership with the Chicago Police Department of offering an entire MBA program specifically for CPD officers and employees.
Contact: Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Friday, May 2, 2008
Saint Xavier University statement regarding status of Regina Hall investigation
Chicago (May 2, 2008)—The Chicago Police Department has arrested a Saint Xavier University student in connection to threatening graffiti found in Regina Hall that resulted in the school closing for four days. The student has been charged with a felony by the Cook County State’s Attorney Office. The student has been placed on immediate administrative suspension and is not allowed on campus. We are unable to give further details at this time.
We would like to express our gratitude for the support and tireless efforts of the multi-agency task force investigating this incident. This includes Chicago Police Department Area 2 Detectives, the Cook County Sherriff’s office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Contact: Joe Moore
773-298-3937 or
Thursday, May 1, 2008
SXU School of Nursing Graduate student awarded Schweitzer Fellowship

Chicago (May 1, 2008) Saint Xavier University nursing student Merlyn Chua recently was awarded a Schweitzer Fellowship to conduct an innovative health care program for an underserved community.
Named in honor of Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows Program encourages students in health professions and related fields to “make their lives their argument” by serving the most vulnerable members of society.
Chua, a resident of Chicago’s Near South Side neighborhood, will develop a drop-in Health and Wellness Service as an outreach program sponsored by the Center for Whole Health, a program of Chicago Lights at Fourth Presbyterian Church for the Elam Davies Social Service Center. She will provide health assessments, health screenings, counseling, education and referrals for homeless guests.
“Merlyn’s commitment to serving the less fortunate truly exemplifies Saint Xavier University’s mission and core values,” said SXU School of Nursing Interim Dean Kay Thurn, Psy.D., R.N.
Chua is the second student from St. Xavier University to have received a Schweitzer Fellowship during the past two years.
Saint Xavier University and Richard J. Daley College sign dual admission articulation agreement for nursing
Chicago (May 1, 2008) The presidents of Saint Xavier University and Richard J. Daley College have signed a Dual Admission/Articulation Agreement to provide smoother transfer for nursing students between the two schools.
Under the agreement, Richard J. Daley College students earning an associate in applied science degree in nursing can complete their bachelor of science degree in nursing at Saint Xavier’s Orland Park campus. Student progress is facilitated through timely completion of program requirements and improved sequencing of learning experiences.
“We are pleased that this cooperative relationship will support a smooth transfer experience, and build on community college and university learning experiences for nursing students at Richard J. Daley College to complete their baccalaureate degrees,” said SXU President Judith A. Dwyer, Ph.D.
Saint Xavier has similar agreements with Moraine Valley Community College, Joliet Junior College and Prairie State College.
“This dual-admission agreement will allow Richard J. Daley College students to move more quickly into baccalaureate course work and bring special skills to their patients,” said SXU School of Nursing Interim Dean Kay Thurn, Psy.D., R.N. “This is especially important given the significant shortage of nurses facing this country.”
For more information about the agreement, please contact Carol Yukich at (773) 298-3724; (708) 802-6217 or